Our seva to provide life-saving aid and supplies to those profoundly affected by the pandemic has been made possible through your caring and generous donations. From necessities such as food, safety supplies, and vaccination accessibility, to essential oxygen concentrators and generators, your support is helping to sustain and save lives.
Sewa International Collaboration
The second wave of COVID brought surging patient numbers, overwhelming India’s health care system and creating a dire need for oxygen concentrators. You answered the call for donations as AIM for Seva collaborated with its trusted partner and humanitarian relief organization, Sewa International, to fund the purchase of this desperately needed equipment for shipment to hospitals across India.
Through Sewa’s “Help India Defeat COVID-19” campaign, nearly 6,000 oxygen concentrators and 200 ventilators have been distributed to more than 560 hospitals and COVID-19 Care Centers across India, covering 26 of 28 Indian states. More than 1,000 Sewa volunteers and 10,000 volunteers from Sewa’s partner organizations are involved in the distribution.
Sewa International will be funding the installation of 100 oxygen generation plants in hospitals across India to ease oxygen scarcity in the country, with 15 of these plants to be set up within the next few months. Sewa is working to bridge the urban and rural divide by distributing oxygen generation capability equitably to different parts of the country.
Rotary International Partnership
AIM for Seva partnered with Rotary International in its efforts to provide a longer-term solution for the people of India through the building of oxygen generators. Matching grant funds were leveraged and added to your $30,000 in total donations, resulting in the $120,000 investment needed to build an oxygen generation plant to serve a 200-bed hospital in the city of Coimbatore, India.
Vaccination Drives
Our coordinators are working with local governments and health officials to make chatralaya locations safe and sanitary vaccination sites for neighboring villages. Our chatralaya serve as familiar, comfortable and convenient sites for residents in surrounding areas and help to allay the apprehension they’re feeling about getting vaccinated.
Shamlaji Hospital
AIM for Seva’s Shamlaji Hospital provides health care services to remote and tribal areas of the Sabarkantha district of India at no cost to its patients. In its efforts to maintain its mission amid the pandemic, the hospital became government certified to treat COVID patients.