Who is the founder of AIM for Seva?
Swami Dayananda Saraswati, visionary, profound thinker, writer and an eminent scholar of Vedanta and Sanskrit, is the founder of AIM for Seva.
What does Seva mean?
Seva (pronounced sayvaa) is a Sanskrit word that does not quite have a direct equivalent in English in its true sense. The nearest description is “selfless, deep, heartfelt service to an entity or noble cause without expecting anything in return except the welfare of the beneficiary.”
Is AIM for Seva a religious organization?
AIM for Seva’s programs are truly secular. We reach out to all people in need regardless of religion, community or nationality.
Who runs the AIM for Seva projects throughout India?
Students and devotees of Swami Dayananda Saraswati committed to seva coordinate and administer our projects.
What are the core areas of work that the organization is involved in?
The main focus of AIM for Seva is education, particularly in tribal and rural areas. We also have health care projects wherever possible.
Why is AIM for Seva building chatralaya, or free student homes, and not schools to provide education?
Building a school in each village requires large-scale economic and human resources. Also, it is very difficult to get qualified, trained teachers willing to work in tribal and rural areas. Therefore, our chatralaya are a more viable option.
How do you select the students for these homes?
A cluster of 10-15 villages are first identified in a particular area. We visit the government school in that area, announce our intention to start a student home, and explain the idea behind it. We invite applications from children who are in need of support.
The criteria of selection are:
- Children from families below the poverty line
- Lack of access to schools
- Coming from dysfunctional homes
We create a short list of the most deserving students based on the above criteria, and then visit their homes to verify the information before we admit them.
How do you get the consent of parents?
We meet the parents of the children and explain the importance of education, the concept of a free student home, and the philosophy of AIM for Seva and its founder.